
2023-03-22 22:14:17 6

12 Ways to Dig Long-Tail Keywords for Website Owners: (1) Webmaster Tools: Mainly Chinaz and Aizhan, both of which have keyword mining tools that are easy for webmasters who frequently check their website rankings to find. (2) Utilize Baidu: Baidu is a powerful keyword mining tool in itself, and using it well can yield a large number of keywords. Baidu can be used with Baidu Index, Baidu suggestion box, Baidu related search, and Baidu Phoenix system. (3) Peer Websites: We often use webmaster tools to check the keyword rankings of our own website, but this can also be used to check the keyword rankings of peer websites and mine keywords through them. (4) Keyword Tools: There are also many specialized keyword mining tools available online, such as Feiluada Keyword Tool, Jinhua Keyword Tool, and ZuiCi Assistant. Some teams also develop their own keyword tools. (5) Related Variants: Some words have multiple expressions, such as hotel, lodge, hotel, restaurant, restaurant, and network promotion, website promotion, online promotion, network marketing, website marketing, and so on. Different expressions may attract different searches. (6) Industry Hotspots: Every industry has some hotspots, such as well-known brands, new technologies, and newly launched products, which become industry hotspots and attract many searches. (7) Seasonal Keywords: Some keywords are seasonal, such as spring clothes, winter clothes, wheat, rice planting, prices of different agricultural products, festival and seasonal content, and so on. (8) Forums, Tieba, Q&A, QQ Groups: Every industry has some platforms that gather a large number of industry professionals. Observing what people are discussing or asking can also help mine keywords. (9) On-Site Search: Many large websites have on-site search functions that can record the keywords users search for to help dig more keywords. (10) Statistical Tools: Websites all install statistical tools to see which words users are searching for to enter the site. By using these search words for related association, expansion, and mining, many long-tail keywords can also be obtained. (11) Core Word Expansion: Adding some words before or after the core word, such as "how to", "what kind of", "location", "gender", "brand", "model", "size", "applicable occasions", "crowd" and other words, can expand many related keywords. (12) Split and Combine: Professional teams use some tools to split and combine keywords, such as A city to B city traffic route query, using the provinces and cities of the whole country, and creating a large number of keyword pages; male leisure canvas shoes size 36 can also obtain a large number of keywords by changing gender, type, size, and so on.




